Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Getting ready for Christmas

With Baby Austin Arriving DEC 4th & moving shortly after Christmas, we thought it would be nice to put up our Christmas Tree early to enjoy it before we get to busy with baby & holidays & the big move. Here are some pics I took of the kiddos this morning with the tree:) & also a pic of there visit to see Santa! Emma really enjoyed seeing Santa this year, she told him that she wanted a doll that they show on a commercial, haha it made me laugh! Brady wasnt afraid of him as you can see in the photo:)

My Baby Boy is turning *ONE*

Only 2 weeks to go til my Son Brady's First Birthday, he is growing up so fast! He is very close to walking, He is eating pretty much all soft table foods now & loves them..it's hard to get him to stop!! He is sucha happy lil boy, he fills our hearts with such JOY. He will also be the OLDER Brother in just 2 weeks our 2nd Son Austin will be arriving just one day after Brady's Birthday on DEC 4th. We have alot of special upcoming events we are all anxious about!! Here our a few of Brady's Birthday pics we had taken.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Getting cold here.....

So we went & bought the kid's some new warm hats to keep there heads warm! It's been in the low 40's during the days & it gets down in the low 20's at night. I am slowly getting prepared..but being in my last 4 weeks of pregnancy I hate to buy any more maternity clothes. This morning Brian went to give the dogs water & the hose wouldnt spray it was completly FROZEN! Geeezy!! What am I going to do when it's below ZERO??!! Here are a few pics I snapped of the kiddos in the warm hats:) There so cute...I just love them to pieces!

Friday, November 2, 2007

4-Demension Ultrasound of Austin

Today at my OB appointment my ultrasound tech got a few pics of Austin's face in 4D ultrasound, in one he even smiled :) It made me smile, I can't wait to meet our new lil guy! He's got some chubby cheekers...he's so cute!!