Friday, November 28, 2008

Boys Birthday Celebration @ Nana's

Our boys are just 1year & 1 day apart. So they get to share there Birthday's together forever:) This is just one of the 3 partys we have planned for them. The boys loved there cake Mommy made them & absolutely loved the Thomas choo choo ride on train Nana got them. They got some pretty cool toys they just can't put down. Brady's at that age where he is really enjoying opening gifts! Austy just loves playing w/the wrapping paper..haha!

Austin's 1st Thanksgiving

Daddy's mashed potato's were a big hit! And Nana's stuffing:) I think he really enjoyed trying new things.

This is when mommy told me I was all done & had to go take a bath! Austy was not very happy!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My kids & I - week 21

This week is Thanksgiving, so here we are with our 2olb turkey! Yummy! Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving with your family!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our lil Austy is soon to be ONE YEAR OLD!

It just seems like yesterday that our baby Austin was born & now he is just growing like a weed. Almost walking,eating table foods,cheerful as can be! We just love him so very much. We are so THANKFUL TO HAVE HIM IN OUR LIVES!

My kids & I - week 20

A nice relaxing spot in Nana's backyard:)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bear Crawler

With only a few weeks away from being one! Austy is now a bear crawler...I'm pretty sure that by his Birthday he'll be walking:) He is such a happy boy! We just adore our lil guy!

Lil Late...Week 19

After traveling 4 days to get back home to Cali...We made it home safe! Still adjusting to time change & getting settled. Hope to see everyone soon! Xo!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Time has come.....

To say goodbye to blogging for a while until we get back home to Cali! Bye! See you all soon! Can't wait! Farewell Iowa........

My kids & I - week 18