Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day

We really had a wonderful morning together, we had an early start since B had to get off to work, I made my french toast casserole, then we opened gifts. The kids got alot of nice gifts as did we. Here are just a few pics...

Merry Christmas !!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Santa Daddy

So Brian offered to come to Emma's classroom today to play Santa. He hid from the kids & said he went to the store & got ready in his Mom's room. As he was leaving he came to our door and knocked. So the boys of course went running as usual to see who it was, oh my if you could have seen the tears & screams as they saw the Santa!!!! It was so funny! I only got one pic of Brady running from the door in fright! And Austin observing, getting ready to run away, haha!! He looked great, I can't wait to hear what Emma has to say! I hope she doesnt know it's Daddy!! Haha

Friday, December 11, 2009

Emma's Christmas Recital

This was our first recital to attend of Emma's second year in preschool, & boy did we enjoy seeing her perform! She did such a great job & we didnt even know she was going to conduct the Alvin & The Chipmunks song! It was the cutest thing ever to watch all her classmates, Especially our lil girl!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Birthday, Birthday, oh what fun!

Today our Brady boy is 3 years old, Tomorrow Austy turns 2! Daddy is going back to work tonight, so we decided to celebrate the boy's both today. Daddy made special mickey mouse pancakes with extra love & threw some chocolate chips in them, they were tasty! And then they got to open there gifts from us, they really love them! Brady got a tonka fire engine & Austy got a cement truck. Fun fun!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy 2 & 3 !!

Our boys will be turning 2 & 3 this week, we had a blast of a party yesterday with all our wonderful family & friends. We enjoyed some great laughs & some great food:) And a yummy fire engine cake:) Happy Birthday Boys, we love you! And thank you to Everyone who helped celebrate with us!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lil Christopher & precious Big Sis Sammy

This is my sister Keri's little boy, he is now 3 months old. Gosh he gives me baby fever. And his sister Sammy is a doll too. Here are a few pictures of my sweet neice & nephew.

Expecting a bundle of joy!

I got to take some Christmas pictures of my Sister & her husband Mario. They are expecting a lil boy in March. They are going to make awesome parents. I am so excited to see her become a mommy so we can have playdates together. I've been waiting for this moment in our lives for a while:)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

December's approaching...

So it's time to start planning our boy's Birthday Party! Brady will be turning 3 & Austy 2, my boy's are getting so big! They are the best of friends, the way I dreamed it would turn out to be when I found out I was pregnant with Austin. They have a blast together. The boys are really into firetrucks right now, so we've decided to throw them a Firefighter themed party:) I have been looking on you tube on how to make the perfect cake:) And I just created the cutest invite last night. I can't wait!! I even got there matching party shirts! Here is a sneak peak!!

My little Beauty

Emma is 2 months away from turning 5! Gosh where does time go, It seems like yesterday she was born & now she's going to be in kindergarden! We are enjoying seeing her change into a beautiful young girl, we are proud of our smart lil cookie:)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat !!

Daddy got stuck working this year, so he wasn't able ot join myself & the kiddos trick or treating, so we went down to Grandpa Smith's House, the kids had so much fun going door to door, they got tons of candy & tons of complements on their costumes, they did look absolutly adorable! They can't wait til next year to go again! Here are a few pics of Halloween night:)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Ellson Wedding

Congrats to Krissie & Morgan!! Emma & I are so happy that we got to be apart of your special day!! Everything turned out amazing!! You both looked so good & We wish you many years of happiness!! It seems like yesterday Krissie, we were sitting in Mr. Teeter's freshman focus class and now it's almost our 10 year high school reunion. Times flys..I'm just so thankful to still be right there by your side as your best friend, Thanks for all the wonderful memories! This was one of the best! Xoxo!

Thursday, September 24, 2009