Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just one of those lazy days...

...at home, snapped some cute pics of the kids w/Daddy, some bro & sis pics,mommy & me pics:) Good times just relaxing on a Sunday afternoon.

My kids & I - week 41

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My kids & I -week 40

My kids would not let me take my hood off...silly kiddos...I enjoy this so much & can't believe there's only 12 weeks left!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Silly kiddos playdate

Today we enjoyed a playdate at our house with Aunt Crystal & Brandon. Andrew was enjoying the day out with his Daddy, we missed him! The kids had fun playing outside in the sandbox & running up & down the hills. I took a few cute pictures of all 4 of the kids together. One cute, one silly! But both are extremly cute! And I enjoyed spending time with Crystal:)Also.. C thanks for the cookies..they were soooo yummy!

My kids & I - week 39

Monday, April 13, 2009


We had such a nice day, We enjoyed an outdoor church service at St. Pauls in Orange were my Dad & Len attend. Shortly after the service they did a real nice Easter egg hunt for all the kids. Then we went back to there house for a nice lunch & I made carrot cake & cream cheese pound cake w/fresh strawberries & whip..Did I mention I love to Bake! We played a numerous of fun games! The kids & Adults enjoyed an Easter egg hunt:) Brian won 7.00 & I won 4.00, we also won a prize for the games we won, I got a Target G.C. & Brian took the money egg. We really just enjoyed the day outside with the nice warm weather & being with family! Jesus has risen! What a beautiful day!

My kids & I -week 38

Enjoying Easter Sunday at my Dad's in Orange

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Visit to Papa & Grandma Turner's

Today was a lovely day, I got to spend the day with my kids & my sister. We spent the early afternoon went down in San Juan Capistano at our Papa Joe's & Grandma Vera's, It was such a beautful day. They had doughnut holes for the kids & made tea, as well we brought a coconut cream pie to share, We enjoyed the sunshine on there beautiful patio. Here are a few pictures to share with you all...

My kids & I -week 37