Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My kids & I - week 47

We enjoyed a nice family picnic in Fallbrook today, these pics came out really cute!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Our growing kiddos...we just love them so much & our so thankful we have them in our lives!


has finished her first year of pre-school, she enjoyed it so much. She has learned how to write her name, color inside the lines, she did a ton of artwork (which covers all our pantry door & some of our windows) We are so proud of her! Here is a few pics of her, one is her showing me how old she is, & the other is her making fan's to cool her off this Summer!

Father's Day 2009

With Brian just starting his new job he is stuck working weekends, so we wanted to celebrate Father's Day before he left for work this weekend. So I fixed him pepperoni pizza chicken,salad and garlic bread. And we finished it up with my homemade apple crisp & vanilla bean ice cream:) He enjoyed his dinner & his gifts. We love him very much & our thankful that he is our Daddy!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Austin in Daddy's shoes

This was last week, but had to post it was too cute, Austy loves shoes & pretty much told Daddy to put them on his feet:)

My kids & I - week 45

A little late, Just been soooooo.. busy!! As you all know I'm working almost fulltime hours right now @ work & havn't had much time on my days off to snap pics!

Austy's big boy haircut

My baby is looking sooooo grown up!!! I want another lil one...but maybe after my best friend's wedding in October, cause she'd kill me if I could'nt fit in the bridesmid dress:)~

Congrat's to my hubby!!

We are all so proud that he has his dream job back:) This is at his swearing in, it was a very nice day, my Dad & Len were able to join as well as most of Brian's family.