Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy 2 & 3 !!

Our boys will be turning 2 & 3 this week, we had a blast of a party yesterday with all our wonderful family & friends. We enjoyed some great laughs & some great food:) And a yummy fire engine cake:) Happy Birthday Boys, we love you! And thank you to Everyone who helped celebrate with us!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lil Christopher & precious Big Sis Sammy

This is my sister Keri's little boy, he is now 3 months old. Gosh he gives me baby fever. And his sister Sammy is a doll too. Here are a few pictures of my sweet neice & nephew.

Expecting a bundle of joy!

I got to take some Christmas pictures of my Sister & her husband Mario. They are expecting a lil boy in March. They are going to make awesome parents. I am so excited to see her become a mommy so we can have playdates together. I've been waiting for this moment in our lives for a while:)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

December's approaching...

So it's time to start planning our boy's Birthday Party! Brady will be turning 3 & Austy 2, my boy's are getting so big! They are the best of friends, the way I dreamed it would turn out to be when I found out I was pregnant with Austin. They have a blast together. The boys are really into firetrucks right now, so we've decided to throw them a Firefighter themed party:) I have been looking on you tube on how to make the perfect cake:) And I just created the cutest invite last night. I can't wait!! I even got there matching party shirts! Here is a sneak peak!!

My little Beauty

Emma is 2 months away from turning 5! Gosh where does time go, It seems like yesterday she was born & now she's going to be in kindergarden! We are enjoying seeing her change into a beautiful young girl, we are proud of our smart lil cookie:)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat !!

Daddy got stuck working this year, so he wasn't able ot join myself & the kiddos trick or treating, so we went down to Grandpa Smith's House, the kids had so much fun going door to door, they got tons of candy & tons of complements on their costumes, they did look absolutly adorable! They can't wait til next year to go again! Here are a few pics of Halloween night:)