Friday, January 22, 2010

Emma's 5th Birthday

Emma had a wonderful day, she started her day off at school, I brought cupcakes to her class, then I worked a short shift & was able to come home early & spend time with my family,we played some WII, & Aunt Margie made Emma a lovely princess cake & some homemade enchildas for dinner. She opened her gift from us, she really loves her new ottoman in which it has a secret hiding spot for all her new princess dolls from her Auntie Sissy & Uncle Mario. As well she got a backpack for starting kindergarden this summer & some new slippers & sandels & minnie mouse tennis shoes(did I mention she has a shoe fetish like her mommy & daddy) haha! As well as a princess wand for her princess party on Sunday! She can't wait for that, pictures will come sometime next week! We don't know where time has gone our Emma is already 5and starting to become a lovely young lady, Daddy & Mommy love you so much sweetie! Happy 5th Birthday!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Our Daughter Emma

Will be turning 5 next week, So I wanted to take a few pictures of her in her very special dress that her 90 year old Great Grandma made her this year for Christmas. I can't believe our baby girl is growing into such a beautiful young lady, we are so proud of all her accomplishments. She will be starting Kindergarden this year..& Mommy is wondering where the time has gone! Anyone that has young kids, enjoy them while there young because in a blink of an eye there starting school! WE love you Emma!

My Grandma Riley's 90th Birthday Celebration

My Grandma Riley turns 90 this week, so this weekend we went & celebrated with her & the rest of our family. It was put on by all her kids. It was such a nice party, we got to see all her longtime friends & extended family. Emma got to show off her dress that her Great Grandma made her for Christmas, showing everyone that at 90 she still can make beautiful dresses:) She amazes me at how great she can still do things & not to mention how beautiful she is for being 90!!! She's so cute! I hope she lives many more healthy happy years, she has been a great Grandma to me & to my children. WE love you Grandma! Happy 90th Birthday!