Thursday, August 12, 2010

Talk about growing up...

Emma starts Kindergarden next Monday! I can't believe my baby girl will be in school 5 days a week, all day... I'm talking from 8am-3pm. The past 2 years Emma has been in pre-school for 3 hours a day 5 days a week, what am I going to do with out my lil helper around..but I know she's going to love being back in school & meeting new friends. Geesh with 2 potty trained boys & my oldest in school, I'm going to have so much free time on my hands! I'm gonna love this break:) haha~

Guess who is potty trained :)

Brady!!!! He is such a Big boy!!!! One day he just did it..I mean pee pee & poo poo! He doesnt even need pull ups at night, we tryed a whole week with pull ups & he woke up dry every morning. So I think he has it mastered! Now we are workin on Austy B ! And even he is doing awesome(pooing & peeing, im so proud of our 2 boys. Gosh there growing up so fast! No more diapers!! Awesome!!