Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Merry Christmas from Our Family to Your's

Brady & Austy's Birthday Party

Our boys are growing up quickly...Brady turned 4 Dec 3rd & Austy turned 3 Dec 4th, time has flown by, I do miss the baby stages, but I do have to say I am enjoying being out of diapers & them being more independent. They are both so different, but they get along so well together. Brady has really been enjoying going to Awana's. Austy is really into Toystory 3, he could sit & watch it all day if I let him. haha! I sure do love my lil men, here are a few pics from there Birthday party last weekend.

Thanksgiving 2010

This year Brian had to work on Thanksgiving, so therefore we stayed in town to have our first Thanksgiving meal together, I'm proud to say I have made my first turkey, & everything in the meal was so yummy! I did good :) This year I have alot to be Thankful for, but most of all I am thankful to be in a home together with our family closer to Brian. I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!