Thursday, March 17, 2011

Awana's Grand Prix

Last night we went to the Awana's Grand Prix night, it was a blast to see the work all the children put into these racecars, Brady's police car did an awesome job racing, he ended up getting 10th place out of 55 cars! Daddy & Brady worked long & hard on his car, & we are so proud of how it did! We look forward to next year's Grand Prix, when we'll have 3 cars to make!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Airshow Fun

This weekend we enjoyed a nice day at the Airshow with our neighbors & friends. This was our first year going, but they do this every year, they don't actually go inside, but they have a secret spot on the otherside of the base, it was awesome, the kids could play in the dirt & run around & didnt have to worry about crowds. They Blue Angels were just AWESOME!! They flew right over our heads, you could feel the heat! We all had a blast! Definetly going to make it an annual event. Good company, good food & awesome show!

Workin' on the Cadi

We also worked on the Cadi this past weekend, Brian removed the front & back seats & I vacummed it out. He also started using his grinding wheels to sand down some of the rust on the hood then primed where he sanded, it'll look a little nicer when it is all primed. He sure enjoys his project. The kids love playing inside, we call it the babysitter, haha! They'll leave us alone & pretend to take turns driving the bus. Too cute!!

Some Daddy & Son time

At Awana's the children are having there Annual Grand Prix racecar event next week, so we picked up Brady's peice of wood & wheels & Brian has been asking Brady what he wants to do with his car, at first he wanted to do it like the Dukes of Hazzard car, then he said a jeep(kinda hard) then he finally decided on a police car, Daddy thought it was a good idea. They enjoyed the morning working on cutting & sanding the car. They started painting it, it really looks cool. we still have some work to get done on it, but man oh man it's going to be a cool racecar!! Hope he wins!!Go Brady!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Brother love

Brady was a police officer for Halloween, he dresses up in it daily, today he finally let Austy try it on, he had a blast! They adore eachother, it's so fun having boys so close in age, I hope they always remain close:)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Agua Caliente Camping Trip

We decided to go camping for our Birthday's this past weekend, we had orginally planned to go to William Heise in Julian, but a few days before we noticed when checking the weather it was too cold & there were alot of tree branches down in the campsite we had chose, so the Ranger suggested Agua Caliente which was only an hour from here & they had mineral pools & a therapy spa for adults only so we could not use having the kids there. But we did enjoy the kiddie pool cause it was only 2Ft deep & it was the perfect tempature. We also had Brians brother & girlfriend meet us for two nights so it was nice to have good company. The last night wasnt so fun, we had alot of bad winds & blowing sand, so luckily Jesse has a camper we all had a huge sleepover including Jennys pug Gizmo :) It was a goodtime! A few of the things we enjoyed doing is going in the kiddie pool, hiking the dirt hill above our campsite, taking a walk down to the store for bigsticks, & having campfires at night minus the kangaroo rats!! haha!