Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Spash play date

Today we invited a few friends down to the Splash Pad, we packed lunches & played in the water for a few hours. The kids had so much fun. We then came home for nap, then got invited over to swim at a friends. What a fun filled Summer day! We are looking forward to our last month off til school starts, we have a fun camping trip planned, Auntie Sissy's having her baby August 2ND if not sooner! Daddy & Mommy are celebrating there 7Th Wedding Anniversary, Swim lessons & alot more pool play dates!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Brady's 1st day of Swim lessons

We are so proud of our boy, he is such a dare devil, he wasnt afraid of the water (which we knew) so they moved him right away from level 1 to level 2. We'll see how he does by the end of the week! He enjoyed his lesson & can't wait to go back you will see in the video that I took when he finished!

This is the video I took after he got out of the pool, I think he'll want to go back tomorrow :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Beach house

We just got back from visiting our good friends at Newport Beach. They rented a beach house right on the boardwalk. We had the best weather all 4 days of being there. The kids loved the water & most of all playing in the sand. It was nice to visit with the Schermerhorn's since they all live all over now, it's rare we see them all at once. Nana & Auntie Sissy & cousin Dominic even came down to see us. The kids enjoyed that. Here are some photo's of our getaway.