Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School

Today starts first grade for Emma & Pre-Kinder for Brady. Emma was up & dressed by
5:20am & Brady shortly after, can you tell they are Excited!! We got them off to school & they did awesome!! Here are a few pics...I did tear a tear or two! But totally happy for them that there so happy!! LOL

Austy will miss you two! But we will bond alot! Im excited & have been looking forward to it.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Camping Trip to Dogwood

We just spent the week in Dogwood a very beautiful place to camp near Lake Gregory & Lake Arrowhead. We enjoyed the getaway, we spent several days with some awesome camping neighbors of ours by going to Lake Gregory, Hook Creek where there were awesome pools for the kids to splash & swim in, and spent a day with Grandpa & Grandma Riley visiting. We also went into Lake Arrowhead Village & walked the Lake & ate at the nicest Mc Donald's on the patio overlooking the beautiful Lake. We enjoyed s'mores & Rite Aid ice cream,brownies with homemade ice cream made by the kids tossing the ice cream ball down the hill & shaking it up the hill as the returned it to our friend Kristina. The kids had a blast. As well as B & I, with having neighbors with kids we got to enjoy a little time just us:) One of my favorite parts of camping was being all together in our new tent as well as campfires & renting the paddleboards in Lake Gregory (a fun childhood memory of mine)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Melting Mommy's Heart

Brady says "Mommy I want to sing you a love song" i thought oh boy better get my video camera going! So glad I did!! He's my sweet boy!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sweet Baby girl

This weekend we drove down to meet my Sister & Mario's new baby girl Annabelle Rose. I think she looks alot like Kelly, she has long fingers & toes & light skin, blue eyes. She is perfect in every way! The kids & I spent most of our day there playing with Domi & holding Miss Annabelle. I get sad living so far away, but then again I have to remember its alot closer than Iowa. I am just so blessed to be an Aunt again!! Congrats Acosta family, she is a beauty!! So happy you got a girl!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Countdown begins!!

Today I thought it would be fun to do a little project with the kids. They are starting to get bored here in the house & its too hot outside to go play, so I thought we would make a paper chain to countdown the days til school starts. They kids enjoyed making it together. Each day one of the kids will tear off a link til its gone & that will be the first day of school. I'm not sure who's most excited? HA HA the kids or MOM!!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy Birthday

To my new little neice Annabelle Rose, My sister Kelly & her hubby Mario were soooo sure they were having another boy & was in total shock to see a baby girl pop out, I'm extremly happy for them! They are so blessed to have one of each, I bet Dominic is going to be such a good big brother! She is so precious, the kids & I look forward to our trip down this weekend to meet her!!