Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'm back!

Hey everyone, After almost 6 months of not blogging I decided I've got to get back to doing it:) So here I am...It's been a busy 6 months, We've made it out to Iowa safely. About a month after our arrival, we found out we we're expecting again! What a surprise! Now.. I only have 2 months left to go, we will be having a baby boy..Austin Brian, he will be born DEC 4th, a day after Brady's first Birthday:) Emma will be 3 in January! And all I can begin to think about is how BUSY I will be!! We also recently found out the 2nd week of December will also be our move in date to our new home. So as you can tell we have alot going on the next few months. We have all adjusted real well out here, I definetly love living in the country, it's a bit far from shopping malls, but it's so nice not having a neighbor right out your backyard. And we love that the kids can play without any harm of getting hurt. I do indeed miss all my friends & family! So this is one of the reasons I said to myself I've gotta keep up on the blogging & pics to KIT:) Here are a few recent photos of everyone:) Love to all!

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