Monday, January 28, 2008

Our 1st YEAR in Iowa

So it has almost been a year that we have been living in Iowa. People havew been asking the question "So now that it's been a full year how do you like it there?" It has been quite the eventful year...having a new baby & moving into our new house. I can tell you I do like living in the country:) Having alot of land so the kids can play free & not have to worry. I love having 4 seasons. We enjoy seeing wildlife, deer right outside our windows is such a peaceful thing to look at every morning. Also the other day it was so funny but this is another reason I love it here! The mail man called me to let me know he'd be at my front door in 5 minutes with a package & my mail! I also called him this morning & had him bring me a roll of stamps:) that was cool too! Not having to load all 3 kids to go get stamps! Another thing I love is the healthcare, I enjoyed all my doctors while pregnant. Also my Endo. for my Diabetes is much more knowledgable & does better well checks than back home. Another thing is no traffic here, you can go to Des Moines & leave at anytime & not have to worry about traffic hour, cause there is no such thing! Freeway is always free & clear! There are only two things right now that I don't like, that is my Husband being gone for his job. And I know in time the perfect job will fall in his lap, & he's doing what he has to do for Our Family:) but it has been hard on all of us the hours he is gone. 15 hours a day! :( And the 2nd is missing all our family & friends. WE miss you all more than ever!! We do hope to get a trip back home this year depending on Brian getting a new job, we arnt sure when, but we'll keep you all posted. Here our a few pics of the house & the deer outside our home.

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