Tuesday, July 1, 2008

pulling hair

My son Brady loves to pull hair. I have tryed so many things to dicipline him but he doesnt understand & still continues to do it. Time out in the play pen isnt working or slapping his hand isnt doing the trick! Poor lil Emma just gets so upset everytime he gets her! Does anyone have any ideas for me to get him to STOP??!!!


Anonymous said...

Gomen kudasai.

Nicole said...

Pull his hair back! LMAO, I'm totally joking. Sorry, I have no ideas. Just thought I'd throw that in. :)

BUT, your kids are adorable!

Katie said...

haha i actually have done that!!

Nicole said...

So have I, but it still sounds funny to "say it aloud". :)

Jennifer said...

my doc always said when Garrett had his lil' biting issue.. to say OUCH really loud.. and put him in the middle of the room and walk away.. so he is left alone.. its worth a shot.. I have nothing on this.. crazy kids.. they can be so difficult at times!