Monday, February 9, 2009

Emma's 1st day of pre-school

Well...Emma was a very excited lil girl this morning, she got up wanted to get dressed & get ready for her long day, first off she had her Funk Dance class, then we got a bite to eat in between, then headed over to school. We walked in & were greated by some of the nicest teachers ever! We took a tour, I have to say I was very impressed. This is all new to me as a parent:) & sad too, to see my first one off to school, gosh time flys!! As it got to be 5 min after 12pm, and all the kids were checked in, she has noticed all the mommy's left there children. She asked if I could stay all day, I said I'd stay til the teacher came in. She got so teary eyed, it was so hard on myself & her! The teacher explained to me that she liked for the parents to leave the first month to let there kids get used to being without there parents. Which I understood & wanted for her to learn I cant go to school with her:( And as I left she was screaming hysterically, it made me teary, as I walked out...i could still hear her 4 classrooms down...oh my...i thought...walking out I had a meltdown felt like I had abondoned my girl. As I sit now...I'm wondering how the afternoon is going..hoping she has done good & made friends:) & liked learning new things. I will find out in an hour when I go to pick her up:) I will keep you all posted. Here are a few pics of my big girl getting ready to go to school today! Brady in the photo w/Emma was sad to see her go...but he will love his one on one w/lil Bro Bro & Mama & Dada:)

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