Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Brady's performance

Brady singing his favorite VBS song God is Wild about us... FYI he wasnt in the other video because he threw a fit & wanted his own video doing his favorite song..That's my Brady..LIL STINKER!

We've got Talent

My kids loved going to VBS this year, the theme was Pandamania, the songs were so much fun to sing & dance to, as well they had so much fun making crafts. They cant wait to go back next year!

My sweet girl

We love after a long day finding these sweet notes from our daughter in our bed under our covers. She is such a sweetheart, WE adore our Emma girl!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Our Brave Lil Girl undergoes her 1st Surgery

Emma has had alot of Ear infections & allergy problems since a young age. We took her into a ENT specialist in May & the Dr. could tell right away by listening to her breath that she had problems. So they scheduled Surgery for her. Today was the day of surgery we had to be up bright and early, she was completely calm up until the time to go in, & she did wonderful, they shaved down her adenoids (which the Dr. said they were huge!) as well as put tubes in her ears due to several ear infections. She is home now & feeling good, a bit sleepy & alittle nauseous but hopefully by tomorrow she will be feeling alot better after some much needed rest after a long day..for us all! WE are proud of our girl for doing so well today, we love you Emma!

My Lil Fish

Emma is into her 3rd week of swimteam. She has been doing so well Coach Troy said she can move to the 3rd lane over which is the faster, older, more advanced swimmers! Thats makes us so proud! Maybe Swim will be her sport! She's turning into a fish, such a cutie! Way to go Emma!

Then there is Brady boy, such a ham in Emma's googles. He will be starting Swim lessons in July, he is excited to get in that big pool too just like his Big Sis!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Julian with Grandpa & Grandma Riley

For Emma's Graduation Grandpa & Grandma wanted to take Emma for some lunch & Apple pie in Julian. It was a great in between spot to meet up & a very beautiful quaint little town. I went there when I was a kid, & think this is my first time back & funny with my own kids! We really enjoyed our day with my Dad & Len oh & Riley too! he he..she's such a good dog!

Splish Splash Summer Time !!

Well schools out for Summer, it is definitely hot enough, so we got our pool out for the kiddos, Brian even got me a lounge chair so I can lay out & get my tan on, what an awesome hubby & Dad we have! Let the Summer fun begin!

Playing dress up

Our kids love to dress up for the fun of it! Nana bought they boys suits last year for Christmas, & have never really gone anywhere nice enough for suits so they've become dress up clothes. I think I'm going to put together a dress up box, it seems to keep them very busy for hours. And with this heat of Summer coming, we do have alot of time spend indoors. Think its a good idea :) Miss Emma loves to play teacher in Mommy's high heels. Cute kids for sure!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Goofball Boy

We went over to Dollar Tree to p.u. Emma some balloons for Graduation & out of All things Brady gets these as his choice of 1 toy! LOL ...

Emma Graduation

Emma graduated from Kindergarden today, we are so proud of our girl & all her accomplishments. You are growing into a beautiful, smart young lady, continue to grow in faith, we love you!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mom's favorite time of the day...

EXERCISING!!! I workout Tue-Fri 4 miles each day & then a hill workout with my Lil men. I have to say they are so good, although I do pack snacks for them & normally a toy to keep them busy, but I think they enjoy seeing all the other walkers/runners & lately there have been tractors down there & the firemen come workout & they LOVE that..they say to me "keep going" LOL ...when I'm done & tired! Which is good:) Love that they love my favorite time of the day too. Pretty soon I'll have to go to evening workouts without my boys, it'll be a change but it'll just be for the Summer, then it'll just be Mommy & Austy cause my other 2 will be in school!! Here is a cute pic of my boys keeping each other busy while we walk..

My sweet Sunstroker

Emma started her first day of Sunstrokers yesterday, SHE LOVED IT!! She did absolutely awesome!! I was a bit nervous because they put them in a lane by there size & not age, being she is so tall she was with the 7-8yr olds, but after starting swimming in her lane, they kept her there, so she must have been doing something right or they would move her to the other lane where the smaller ones need more help. I was so proud of my girl, & mostly that she enjoyed it! Sunstrokers is a 2 month long program with practices an hour long Mon-Thur & they will be having Meets every week. My girl also got Student of the week, this is her 4th time this year! She only has a week left in Kindergarten, gosh time flys! I'm going to have a 1st GRADER!!

Austy's treasures

My oh my...So in January we were invited to a friends Birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, when we left we had a bunch of tokens left over, so I thought we'll keep them & go back sometime...then everyday after Austy thought they were money & kept asking for 1,2,3 & so on...It got to the point where he would literally hold them in his hand all day everyday, even take them to bed. We finally took them away. Well just the other day he found a penny at the mall, he held it in his hand til it turned green from his sweaty palm closed. I didn't think anything of it til we went to the park I said put it in your pocket. We then played at the park & when we got home he had brought home 2 Bud Light bottle caps & washed them with soap & put the penny inside & was making music with it!! Oh my the treasure this boy loves & never lets go!! I had to blog about it..it's just too funny! Once again..we don't need to buy toys when a penny & beer bottle caps do the trick, LOL!! I mean really???!!!