Thursday, April 14, 2011


The past two days we have had My Sister & her son Domi out visiting. The kids had alot of fun together, Domi is the perfect age for starting to get his own personality The kids truly bonded this trip & at our recent trip to Avi. I just love seeing my kids interact with him, they just love him so much & they can't wait for Auntie Sissy to have baby #2 which arrives this Summer! We were sad to say our goodbyes today, it actually was a very rough day on Emma & Brady, they are emotional just like Mommy & kept crying I miss Sissy & Domi, it made my heart break inside, they just love her so much!! We'll see them in a few weeks thankfully!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

awww...such a cute pic! When we (Kelly) are all done having babies we need to get all the cousins together when Jacob is home for 1 big pic for your mom someday. glad you had a nice visit. I know it's always hard saying good bye...just be thankful your not in Iowa anymore.