Friday, June 17, 2011

Our Brave Lil Girl undergoes her 1st Surgery

Emma has had alot of Ear infections & allergy problems since a young age. We took her into a ENT specialist in May & the Dr. could tell right away by listening to her breath that she had problems. So they scheduled Surgery for her. Today was the day of surgery we had to be up bright and early, she was completely calm up until the time to go in, & she did wonderful, they shaved down her adenoids (which the Dr. said they were huge!) as well as put tubes in her ears due to several ear infections. She is home now & feeling good, a bit sleepy & alittle nauseous but hopefully by tomorrow she will be feeling alot better after some much needed rest after a long day..for us all! WE are proud of our girl for doing so well today, we love you Emma!


Crystal said...

Glad it all went well! How was she when she was coming out of it?? I remember the experience with Brandon was not good!

Katie said...

She did great, she saw me as being brought in to the recovery, she was very tired, & quiet. She did wonderfully! No problems at all! Brave girl for sure!